Tests Offered

Advanced Math Placement Test (AMPT)

高等数学分班考试是为那些相信自己有能力的学生设计的 准备开始学习比大学代数更高水平的大学数学.  Successful 完成测试的结果在高等数学课程的安置,取决于 major.

Length of the exam: 1 hour & 15 minutes
Days & Times Available: By appointment
Availability of Test Scores:  Test results are available upon completion.

More Information


ATI基本学术技能测试(tea)是学生参加的诊断性测试 as they go through the admissions process. The TEAS show a reliable picture of student 为护理学校做好准备,并为他们的学术提供有价值的见解 strengths and weaknesses. Log in to www.atitesting.com 使用您的ATI用户名和密码,并选择在线商店. Then choose “Register “tea with PSI”(一个测试中心),并选择UHCL测试中心.

Cost: $50 (payable directly to ATI) & $35 admin fee (payable to UHCL)
Length of the exam: 209 minutes
Days & Times Available: By appointment on Monday - Friday
Availability of Test Scores: Test results are available upon completion


Certiport为组织、公司、 教育机构、政府机构、贸易和专业协会. 有关考试注册的更多信息,提供了完整的考试列表,FAQ and other resources, please visit http://certiport.pearsonvue.com/.

Castle Worldwide, Inc.

Castle Worldwide为组织、公司、 教育机构、政府机构、贸易和专业协会. 有关考试注册的更多信息,请参阅提供的完整考试列表,FAQ, 练习考试和其他资源,请访问Castle Worldwide http://www.castleworldwide.com/cww/take-a-test.

College-Level Entrance Program (CLEP)

CLEP是一个通过考试获得学分的国家项目,它让学生有机会 在特定的本科课程中展示大学水平的知识.  It is 旨在评估通过加速,高级或荣誉高中获得的知识 classes, as well as independent study. For more information and to register please visit the CLEP website http://clep.collegeboard.org/ 

Cost: $85 (payable directly to CLEP) & $20 admin fee (payable to UHCL)
Length of the exam: 90 minutes
Days & Times Available: By appointment on Monday - Friday
Availability of Test Scores:  完成考试后可获得非官方考试成绩(大学作文除外) Modular Exams).

DSST (formerly known as DANTES Subject Standardized Test)

通过一系列38门考试,在几个学科领域,国家认可的DSST 项目允许学生在校外学习获得大学学分 传统课堂(UHCL不提供DSST考试学分).

DSST是一个经批准的VA国家测试项目,根据后9/11 GI法案®. VA将报销DSST考试费用(80- 90美元)和考试中心的管理费用 fee (amount varies per location).

For additional, detailed information about the DSST, please www.getcollegecredit.com.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). More information 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的详细信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government website at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Cost: $100 ($80 exam fee + $20 administrative fee)
Length of the exam: 2 hours
Days & Times Available: Monday – Thursday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday from 8:30 – Noon
Availability of Test Scores: 考生可以选择在考试结束时查看自己的初步成绩 test.  在3-4周内,官方成绩将由DSST发送到指定的机构 考生在考试开始时,可按学校的4位数字DSST代码填写 exam.

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

欧洲杯竞猜网站入学考试(GRE)是进入欧洲杯竞猜网站院的重要一步 or business school application process. The GRE is a multiple-choice, computer-based, 欧洲杯竞猜网站课程和欧洲杯竞猜网站入学通常需要的标准化考试 business programs (MBA) globally. For additional information and to register for GRE please visit the GRE site http://www.ets.org/gre 

Cost: $205 (payable directly to ETS) 
Length of the exam: 3 hours and 45 minutes
Days & Times Available: By appointment on Monday - Friday
Availability of Test Scores: 分数将在您的ETS账户中提供,并在大约10分钟内发送给您的分数接收方 10–15 days after your test date.


G Suite的谷歌云认证向雇主表明你拥有 在专业环境中进行协作和高效工作的数字技能. 通过获得G Suite认证,您可以证明您有能力完成通用工作场所 使用基于云的工具创建和共享文档、电子表格、演示文稿、 and files.

Cost: $75 (payable directly on the Google Certification page) 
Length of the exam: 120 minutes
Days & Times Available: By appointment on Monday - Friday
Availability of Test Scores: Test results are available upon completion

Law School Admissions Test (LSAT)

法学院入学考试是法学院录取过程中不可或缺的一部分. The exam is 用来衡量在法学院取得成功所必需的技能,比如 as reading and verbal. 欲了解更多信息,请访问法学院招生委员会 website at www.lsac.org 

Miller Analogy Test (MAT)

米勒类比测验(MAT)是一项有助于欧洲杯竞猜网站院的高级能力考试 identify candidates. 通过与不同学科的内容进行类比, 这个分析思维考试是欧洲杯竞猜网站入学考试用的.  For additional 有关MAT的资料,请浏览他们的网站 www.milleranalogies.com.

Cost: $78.50
Length of the exam: 60 minutes
Days & Times Available: Monday – Thursday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday from 8:30 – Noon
Availability of Test Scores: 考生可以选择在考试结束时查看自己的初步成绩 test.  官方成绩报告将由哈考特评估公司邮寄. takes approximately 10 - 15 business days.

Proctoring Services for Non-UHCL students

对于就读其他院校的学生,监考大学课程等 licensure exams is available.   Prior arrangements are required; no walk-ins.  It 学生是否有责任通知他们所指定的学校 作为他们的监考,并要求 所有资料/信息(监考说明、链接、密码等.) for the test be sent prior to the appointment.

Cost:  $38.50 per exam
Length of the exam: varies
Days & Times Available: By appointment on Monday – Thursday from 9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. 
Availability of Test Scores:  N/A

Texas Success Initiative (TSI)

TSI评估是帮助新生取得成功的有用资源 从大学开始,确定合适的课程安排.  It is a not an 入学考试,但一个分班考试,旨在评估数学,阅读和写作 skill levels.

Cost:  $38.50 for initial test; $15.50 per section for retest
Length of the exam: varies (untimed exam with maximum of 4 hours) 
Days & Times Available: By appointment on Monday – Thursday from 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and  Fridays at 8:30 a.m.
Availability of Test Scores: Test results are available upon completion.
